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The gwyllion, individually called gwyll, are a warrior race who are almost identical to humans in appearance.  They are usually seen wearing armor when they are raiding human villages, but they will also wander around human towns and villages in regular clothing so as to be indistinguishable.  Both males and females enjoy sexual relations with humans, and the race is strictly heterosexual.  The gwyllion sometimes bring humans into their world to live with them, and gwyllion princes and princesses often desire human spouses.

The gwyllion live in underground caverns and their main hall is inside a mountain.  They possess tremendous wealth and enjoy lavish feasting, drinking, and music.

Gwyllion have magical abilities and are able to summon fire with their weapons and communicate with animals.  The entrances to their homes are hidden from human view and only the possession of an item from within enables passage.  Time passes very slowly in their underground homes and mere minutes there can equal more than a year in the world above.


Female gwyllion are called fae.  Like human women, they care about their appearance and typically dress seductively, even when wearing their armor.  While not as strong as males, they are nevertheless fierce warriors.     Extensive knowledge of herbs is passed through the maternal line, and they are excellent cooks.


Male gwyllion are called goblins. They are both fierce and strong, and are superior craftsmen who manufacture armor and weapons on their forges.  Like fae, they seduce humans into their caverns for sex, but unlike fae they are also known to take a woman by force.


Gwyllion children are called kobold.  A kobold can shift between the form of a dog,  a wolf or a cat, as well as their usual form which looks like a human child.  They are identifiable by their piercing blue eyes which fade and become another color as they develop into adulthood, when they also lose their shapeshifting ability.


The gwyllion sometimes bring humans into their world to live with them, and gwyllion princes and princesses often desire human spouses which they will obtain through seduction.  Once underground, a human does not know the passage of time unless they leave, when they will find that a day, a year and a day, or even a century has passed.  Once they touch the ground of the outside world they become the age they would have been as if they had never left, and often perish quickly as a result.  Protection against this instant aging can be obtained by eating certain mushrooms, which grow in the gwyllion caverns, prior to departure.  Humans can also leave on a horse and will be safe provided they do not touch the ground.

The products of human-gwyllion intercourse are hybrid creatures who live with the gwyllion, but are often found above ground enjoying interactions with humans.  Like their gwyllion parent they are able to freely come and go.


Male human-gwyllion hybrids are called pwca.  A pwca is a shapeshifter who is capable of assuming a variety of terrifying or pleasing forms. He can also take human form, but when he does he will have animal features, such as ears or a tail.  Pwca are tricksters who like to create confusion in humans.

As an animal, the pwca will most commonly take the form of a sleek black horse with a flowing mane, and if a human is enticed onto his back he will give them a wild ride.  However, unlike a kelpie, the pwca will do its rider no real harm.  As a horse, a pwca is sometimes ridden by gwyllion when they go into the above ground world.

Other common animal forms are cat, rabbit, goat, or dog, but no matter what shape the pwca takes, his fur will nearly always be dark.  He will also have the power of human speech while in animal form.


A female human-gwyllion hybrid is called a nightmare and she presents as a beautiful, dark haired woman.  Nightmares have the ability to transform into a mist and glide through keyholes, where they will enter the beds of sleeping humans and disrupt their sleep with sex.  It has been reported that they will also stand by a man’s bedside as he awakens, leaving him with a dreamy vision of her before she disappears into a mist.  If captured, a nightmare can be kept in human form by blocking the entrance she came through, but if it is opened she can then leave.