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Adult Fairy Tales

From the Imagination of Sheila Dronan

As a child, Sheila adored fairy tales. Some of them are quite dark, you know. Did you ever wonder what dwarves wanted all of those gems for? Ever think about why it was important for female characters, fairies and the like, to wear such short and revealing outfits? The word ‘beauty’ comes up a lot in fairy tales, did you ever think about what that might have been a euphemism for? Do you seriously believe that those stories mean to suggest that a princess goes directly to ‘happy ever after’ by virtue of just her pretty face? If you consider the innuendo, those ‘innocent’ fairy tales have the potential for some pretty exciting erotica.

As she grew older, Sheila also enjoyed reading Celtic and Norse mythology (which probably helped to spur her current love of opera). Like fairy tales these stories told of wonderful creatures and humans, and also gods, and they were definitely more revealing about the sexually charged motivations of the characters.

Sheila has borrowed liberally from fairy tales and mythology in creating her stories, but she has also added her own ‘twist’ in combination with her erotic imagination. As a result, Sheila’s adult fairy tales are highly sexual and sensual, covering practically all aspects of erotica. As with many fairy tale themes, some of the stories are also romantic tales with requisite happy endings.

Indulge in the sexual fantasy world of humans, like princesses and huntsmen, and their encounters with elves, dwarves, fairies and a variety of hybrid creatures in Sheila’s Erotic Fantasy World.