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The bogheys are a race of creatures, similar in size and appearance to humans, who have evolved into three distinct elemental forms.  They live in the natural world of air (sylphs), water (undines) and earth (gnomes).   Bogheys and humans co-exist in the world and members of both races often interact with each other.


Slyphs are dainty female bogheys who live in trees and inhabit the air by virtue of their ability to fly.  Bright and fun-loving, they live in the moment and their days are spent mostly playing games and feasting on fruit and honey or making the occasional raid on bird’s nests for eggs.  The gnomes consider them teasers by the way they present their delicate appearance as if they were innocents, but they are very sexual and frequently enjoy the company of male bogheys, but for only a few hours at a time.  Otherwise, they want nothing to do with the gnomes, whom they consider to be ugly in appearance, and they more often play sensually with each other.   If a pregnancy occurs from the union of a sylph and a gnome, it will result in either a baby sylph or a baby gnome.


Undines are females who inhabit the water, living in and around rivers, lakes and seas.  They are almost identical to human females in appearance and are the most emotional and sensual members of their race.  As a result they enjoy spending days at a time together with a gnome where they will prepare lavish meals for him as well as participating in long sexual sessions.  Unfortunately, they are prone to form attachments to the gnomes that they have sexual relations with, and if their affections are not returned they can become vindictive.  The product of this union produces either a baby undine or a baby gnome.


Gnomes are the male bogheys and they inhabit the land.  Master craftsmen, they fashion intricate jewelry to give as gifts in exchange for sex.  While unemotional for the most part, they do posses great powers of seduction and a gnome will enthrall a female for hours with his storytelling.  They are very proficient sexually and will always provide a female with satisfaction, such that sylphs and undines take great physical pleasure with them.  Gnomes become very aroused when the sylphs tease them with their bodies, but while sex with sylphs is pleasant it is also fleeting and doesn’t provide them with the depth of passion they achieve when they are with an undine.


Bogheys and humans co-exist in the world and members of both races who are so inclined do interact with each other and produce offspring as a result.  These human-boghey hybrids are quite common, but they cannot reproduce because they are all sterile.


The union of a sylph and a human male produces a fairy, which are slightly larger than sylphs but smaller than most humans.  Fairies enjoy being around humans, although they tend to be shy and will often hide from them.  While fairies can be either male or female, they are all bisexual.

A young fairy is called an imp, and as any other child tends to be mischievous.

A female adult fairy is called a brownie.

A male adult fairy is called a sprite.


Undines are often attracted to human males since they are more handsome than gnomes and tend to me more emotionally receptive to their need for attachment.  If an undine and human male fall in love and marry the children they have are always female and are called nymphs.  Nymphs are beautiful and shy with a tremendous need to be loved and cared for, and a nymph will do anything for the male who can provide for her emotional needs.  Delicate creatures, nymphs often die from a broken heart.


If a human male rejects an undine, any offspring produced will be kelpies.  Kelpies are males who inhabit the water, but when they go onto land they assume the form of a magnificent white horse who will attempt to coax women into riding him.  Once on his back, his undulations between her legs will sexually excite her into a state of unawareness whereupon he takes her into the water, transforms back into his real form to consummate the sex act and brings her to orgasm while simultaneously drowning her.

If a woman can resist a kelpie then he will be her captive and serve her as a horse, but she must always be on her guard because he will attempt to seduce her and take her into water whenever he can.


Sex between a gnome and a human female often comes about when the female is distraught at the time and thus available for the gnome to take advantage of her.  If there is an offspring to this union it will be a female called a salamander.  A salamander looks identical to a human female but possesses such irresistible beauty that any male is easily seduced by her.  During sex her body temperature increases, becoming so hot that at the moment of climax she bursts into flames and they both perish.  Many a male will knowingly enter into sexual relations with a salamander in hopes of being able to stop prior to climax, thereby enjoying the most tremendous sex without dying, but few are able to withdraw in time.

A salamander can be made immune to the flames if she eats mistletoe berries before sex, which will then render her completely unharmed while the male perishes.  This protective mistletoe effect lasts for 24 hours.


Infrequently, a human female and a gnome will enter into a mutually satisfying relationship and marry, and if that union produces offspring they will be bards.  Bards look like human males and are naturally poetic and musical.  They posses the gnome’s powers of seduction, but they also have great longing for an idealized love which they can almost never find but spend most of their lives searching for it.  The perfect match for a bard is a nymph, and vice-versa.